Grant Information
General Criteria
The Foundation considers requests that most closely match its overall mission: to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Southwest Alabama and to strengthen the communities in which they live. A group may apply for a grant only if it is a nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code, and Section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) as a "public charity" or "a governmental unit." The Foundation will consider only those grant applications that meet several of the following guidelines.
The project addresses needs in at least one of the following areas: education, arts and culture, health and human services and economic and community development.
There is potential for permanent, enduring benefits that will provide value to the community and the residents of Southwest Alabama.
Diverse groups are collaborating on the project to achieve common goals.
The organization and the project clearly demonstrate sound fiscal management and accountability.
The organization attracts multiple sources of support for the project.
The project addresses underserved segments of the population, the economically disadvantaged or citizens of rural communities.

The Foundation will not support the following:
Grants that support political activities or attempts to influence action on specific legislation.
Multiple year pledges nor make grants beyond the current year.
Grants to endowment funds of other organizations.
Grants are not made directly to individuals.
Grants are not made to organizations, programs or projects outside of the State of Alabama.
Restrictions and limitations
Past Grant Projects