Scholars Program
Our Mission
The mission of The J.L. Bedsole Scholars Program is to enable high school graduates from Southwest Alabama with leadership ability, academic commitment and financial need to attend the Alabama College of their choice in pursuit of a Baccalaureate degree. Their college experience will be enhanced by providing opportunities for leadership development, career guidance, interaction with business and community leaders and networking opportunities. Community service involvement on the part of each Bedsole Scholar will enable them to become a community servant leader.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
- W.B. Yeats
About the Scholars Program
Believing that the combination of educational excellence and economic development are necessary to improve the quality of life in Southwest Alabama, The J. L. Bedsole Foundation established The J. L. Bedsole Scholars Program in 1992.
The Scholars Program awards college scholarships to future leaders from five counties in southwest Alabama.
The selection list of important for becoming a J.L. Bedsole Scholar includes: demonstrated leadership capacity, demonstrated community service capacity, academic standards and financial need.
Candidates for the Bedsole Scholarship must express a desire to use their abilities to further the civic, cultural and economic development of southwest Alabama. Leadership is the most important criteria. Furthermore, candidates must be planning to pursue a Baccalaureate degree at a qualifying 4-year institution within the State of Alabama.
The J. L. Bedsole Scholars Program was created expressly to meet the needs of above average students with leadership potential who demonstrate financial need. Accordingly, those who have little or no financial need should not apply.
Applicants may not be related to any person who is an officer, director or trustee of the J. L. Bedsole Foundation, The J. L. Bedsole Scholars Program, The J. L. Bedsole Distribution Committee or The J. L. Bedsole Scholars Program Selection Committee.
All scholarship grants are awarded in an objective and non-discriminatory manner, without reference to any grantee’s gender, race, creed, color or religious preference.
More detailed information concerning selection criteria can be found here.
J.L. Bedsole Scholars

We'd love to hear from you!
If you are an alumnus of The J.L. Bedsole Scholars Program, please visit the alumni section of our website. Update us with your contact info, and tell us what is going on in your life.